Friday 28 October 2016

Weekend homework

Great insights and ideas today, everyone. For the weekend, keep reading through half of chapter 4 -- pages 71-81. (The chapter only goes to page 87, though, so feel free to finish it!)

Also, please write your "Educational autobiography" part 2. The assignment is below if you don't have it any more. It should be about 2 or 3 pages, double-spaced. Please refer to your completed essay #1 as well as your first Educational Autobiography before writing it.

Have a good Halloween weekend!!

Educational autobiography assignment, Part 2:

Post-essay Self-Reflection

The purpose of this reflection is for you to reflect on your learning right now in the semester.  You can organize it however you like, but here are some questions I’d like you to consider:

·      Re-read the “Educational Autobiography” you wrote at the beginning of the semester.  Where are you now on the things you discussed in that essay?

·      How are you doing at developing mastery as an academic reader?  What do you see as your strengths?Your areas for improvement?  What has helped you develop your mastery this semester?  Are you reading differently than you did in the past?

·      How are you doing at developing mastery as a critical thinker?  What do you see as your strengths?  Your areas for improvement?  What has helped you develop your mastery so far this semester?  Are you thinking differently than you did in the past?

·      How’s your mastery of academic writing coming along?  What do you see as your strengths?  Your areas for improvement?  What has helped you develop your mastery so far this semester?  Are you writing differently than you did in the past?

·      Describe your motivation this semester.  What is motivating you to do the work of the class?  How much was based on your personal motivation, and how much was rewards and avoiding punishments?  Have there been there moments when your motivation dropped—if so, what was going on?  Have there been moments when your motivation was especially high—if so, what was going on?

·      Describe 1-2 moments from the class that stand out in your mind as positive experiences.

·      If you were going to sum up 2-3 major things you’d like to work on, what are they?

·      If you were going to sum up the 2-3 major things you’re learning, what are they?

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